Saturday, 9 August 2014

IP Adress in Networking

     Well on this time we are going to see called the IP address,Ip address is used to find the system in the network.It is used to establish the communication from one end to the other end.Ip contains two types they are the ipv4 and ipv6 address.
     The most widely used is ipv4 and ipv6 is not yet fully implemented.Ipv4 is 32 bit and Ipv6 is 128 bit hexadecimal.
     The ipv4 contains the four address position and it is divided into five classes they are

Class A : 001 – 126         

Class B : 128 – 191                  

Class C : 192 – 223                       

Class D : 224 – 239                        

Class E : 240 – 255             
       Ipv4 contain the 255 broadcast id,the 5 class has been splited the range of the ip address.The class A contain the 1,67,77,214 host position and it is used to connect the LAN interface.The class B contain the 65534 host position and it is used to connect the MAN interface in the network.
     Then class C contain the 254 host position and it is used to connect the WAN interface in the network.Then class D is used for Multicasting and Class E is used for the Research.
     In the above ip address each "." (dot) represent the octet and in the ipv4 address it contain the 3 dots.And the single "."represent the 8 bits,so three dots means 32 bits.In the ip address it  contain the network id and the host id.

A : N/w .Host .Host .Host

B : N/w .N/w .Host .Host

C : N/w . N/w . N/w .Host
     These are the various network and host position of the ipv4 classes.
     The N/W contain the 28  
     Ipv4 also contain the network and the broadcast ID and its ranges from

Network ID :

Broadcast ID :
      In these broadcast ID can not assign automatically.

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