Sunday, 3 August 2014

Command Prompt Commands

     Well on this time we are going to see the various commands of the command prompt.We can do most of the task using our command prompt itself.For that first you need to open the command prompt,to do that go to the start menu,program files then goto accessories,after that open the command prompt.
      After opening the command prompt type the following command
     It will show the list of task in the command prompt now if you want to close any task using the command prompt means,select one of the task process id like 1322(in my pc notepad).then type the following command.
c://>taskkill /pid 1322
     After this it will close the respective process in your computer.To create the new directory in the pc type the following command.
c://>mkdir hai
     It will create the new directory in the c folder,to remove the folder type the following command 
c://rmdir hai
     For change the directory in the command prompt use the "cd" command it is used to change the directory.
c://>cd programfiles
     Now you need to see the list of directory in the directory means you need to type the "dir"command.To copy the file from one directory to another directory type the following command 
c://>copy new.txt hai
      In this new.txt is the source file and then hai is the destination directory.To rename the file then type the following command .
c://>rename hai bye
     In this hai is the source directory and bye is the destination directory.To see the system information then type the following command "Systeminfo".Now to see the system ip address type the following command prompt.
c://>ipconfig or ipconfig/all
     ipconfig shows only the ip address but ipconfig/all show all the  network adapter ipaddress.Now to get the Mac address of your system type the following command.
     this command is used to see the directory in tree structure 
    I hope this will help you for your easy use 

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