Tuesday, 19 August 2014

How to Earn Money using Online?

Its always been a huge curiosity to know the factor of earning money using online,but most of the people who are earning in online will not reveal the secret of making money at online.But you can able to gain some knowledge about the money making mechanism without any investment using this blog,because when i was in your stage at the beginning i tried a lot,to earn something but no one revealed the secret.Do you know why?

Because most of the precious things begins with secret!Now without any delay we will begin our journey,to get clear of those secrets."Nothing worth having comes easy" its not my own quotes, but do you know something it is one of the worthwhile quote which i ever seen.

Every work need hard work to convert the effort into money,most of the online users where thinking-online is the place to earn money without any hard work! And everyone like to earn on this simple formula "Without work need to earn money". But do you know something? 

You can't even a single rupee without any hard work,there are several other methodology to invest amount and return it back on online.But the most foolish things i did is, i loss money in online then i finally did a decision that i will not invest any money to loss again."Whether it's possible to earn without investment?

The answer for the above question is YES,then how? There are various platform that allow you to earn money without investment, But It needs few skills.Like surfing in internet,ability to transform your knowledge, as well as most important is your Language.

Platforms for Earnings:
  • Videos
  • Blogging
  • Online Teacher
  • Online Designer
  • Online Programmer
  • Online Author

 My personal opinion is to get approved from Google Adsense to get ads from Google.Do you know something? most of the Google earning are from advertisement like Google Adsense and Adwords.

 Lets Begin! the first thing you need is blog or website.To create the website you have many third party providers like Go-daddy, BigRocks etc.Or else just create the blog using Blogger.com or WordPress.com.These platform provide free service,Now you need to keep on posting some contents,Whatever it may be! The content should be useful for the user. 

After your blog filled with few contents,you are eligible to get approved from Google adsense,once you blog get approved.You are now ready to earn using ads from Google.

Do you know something? persons from US,UK and Canada are making millions of dollars from their blog.A blog with thousand visitors can make upto $0.5 to $30 per day.

While  speaking about videos its obvious that first thing coming to our mind is YOUTUBE! off-course yes,you can earn money using YouTube videos but How?

You need to create the YouTube account using your regular G-mail account.Once you created your account make some videos and upload it on YouTube and choose monetize option to get monitored from  Google they will provide your the ads and that should be visible in your  videos.As well as gain lot of subscription to get paid customers apart from Google.

The most earning platform in online is YouTube so don't ever miss this option in online

Online Teaching
The  next option is to make money is transforming your knowledge in the form of teaching.Yes!you can teach people from online in your home according to your skill.

There are several online services available to make money by teaching,Take a look at this services to make money using online
Skills Share  and Udemy.You can earn $5 up-to $500 for every teaching there is no investment.

Online Designer
If you are not interested in teaching then choose designing especially for designers,this is the space where you deploy your designs and get money for those designs.

Websites like Zazzle.com,CafePress.com and Threadless services provide this option.Its very simple! just create the designs for t-shirts,cups,car stickers whatever it may be just create and login any of those websites and deploy.Get paid instantly and make it as your pocket money within minitues.

 Online Programmers
There is huge space for Programmers to get amount from online.Its time for programmers to just forgot your office and boss.And make money for yourself in your free time.You have more money by biding the price for your project.

Once you bid your project! deliver it on the right time to get more offers,once your name reached in online as a smart worker sure you always busy with work,also money.Me also working as a programmer and i get paid from various sites.Is it Trustable?

Yes sure you get paid with few trustable sites like Google Play.If you are an application developer take a look at Google Play and place your application,as well as place ads on  your application and make money.

There are several other websites they provide you project in different platforms just take a look at this sites Upwork,Guru,Odesk and eLance.Make use of it!

 Online Author
This way of making money is very interesting,Yes if you are a dreamer or do you have more stories but you don't have money to invest and publish your books!.

There is a way that you can publish your dreams and make that dream as reality by using online E-book publishing mechanism.You can sell the books in online as a E-book.

Just create an account at Google play store , phone store or at amazon.Create your own E-book and publish it on online and get money for each downloads.Its an easy mechanism but the problem is you need to create the Magnetic attention from the users by creating an interest to your books.

Once you got the attention then you don't need anyone's help.

I hope this above methodologies will surely help you to earn some amount in online within few weeks.Thanks for your Patience! if you have any doubts post your comments i will reply you within 24 hours.

Saturday, 9 August 2014

IP Adress in Networking

     Well on this time we are going to see called the IP address,Ip address is used to find the system in the network.It is used to establish the communication from one end to the other end.Ip contains two types they are the ipv4 and ipv6 address.
     The most widely used is ipv4 and ipv6 is not yet fully implemented.Ipv4 is 32 bit and Ipv6 is 128 bit hexadecimal.
     The ipv4 contains the four address position and it is divided into five classes they are

Class A : 001 – 126         

Class B : 128 – 191                  

Class C : 192 – 223                       

Class D : 224 – 239                        

Class E : 240 – 255             
       Ipv4 contain the 255 broadcast id,the 5 class has been splited the range of the ip address.The class A contain the 1,67,77,214 host position and it is used to connect the LAN interface.The class B contain the 65534 host position and it is used to connect the MAN interface in the network.
     Then class C contain the 254 host position and it is used to connect the WAN interface in the network.Then class D is used for Multicasting and Class E is used for the Research.
     In the above ip address each "." (dot) represent the octet and in the ipv4 address it contain the 3 dots.And the single "."represent the 8 bits,so three dots means 32 bits.In the ip address it  contain the network id and the host id.

A : N/w .Host .Host .Host

B : N/w .N/w .Host .Host

C : N/w . N/w . N/w .Host
     These are the various network and host position of the ipv4 classes.
     The N/W contain the 28  
     Ipv4 also contain the network and the broadcast ID and its ranges from

Network ID :

Broadcast ID :
      In these broadcast ID can not assign automatically.

OSI Layer

      Well on this time we are going to discuss one of the important concept in networking that is called OSI layer.
      OSI stands for open system interconnect,here we are going to discuss the internal detail of the OSI layer.It contain the seven layer and each layer perform the several action in the network.They are

  •  Application Layer                 
  •  Presentation Layer 
  •  Session Layer  
  •  Transport Layer            
  •   Network Layer  
  •   Data Link Layer           
  •   Physical Layer        
      These are the various OSI layers and each layer perform sever opeartion.It contain the three hardware layers and three software layers.The Hardware layers are Application,Presentation,Session.The Software layers are the Network,Data Link and Physical layer.
       In these the first layer is the physical layer it contain the physical devices like the cables and wires.It contain the binary code which means it convert the signals into binary.
      The second layer is the data link layer and it contain the layer two device called switch.It contain the MAC address and LLC in the networks.It is used to fragment the packets called data-gram.
      The third layer is the network layer and it contain the core devices like the Router.It is used to connect the different devices in the network.It is used to find the shortest path in the network.
      The Fourth layer is the heart of the OSI layer called the transport layer and it is used for the mode of communication.It contain the two major protocol they are the TCP/IP and the UDP.
      The Fifth layer is the session layer and it is used to establish the session in the network.The sixth layer is the presentation layer and it contain the encryption and decryption process of the packet.
      The final layer is the application layer and it is used for the communication of the two networks.This are the various layer of OSI.    


Friday, 8 August 2014

Color Coding of Unshielded Twisted Pair Cables

      Well on this time we are going to discuss the color coding of the unshielded twisted pair cables.This is used to connect the LAN interface,it contain the three color coding format they.
  • Straight Through
  • Roll Over
  • Cross Over
      Straight through cable is used to connect the different devices in the network like Pc to Switch, Pc to Hub, Router to Switch.The color coding for Straight through is

White Orange        - W/O

Orange                  - O

White Green          - W/G

Blue                       - Blue

White Blue            - White Blue

Green                    - Green

White Brown        - W/B
Brown                   - B       Roll over is used to connect the pc to the console and the color coding for roll over is 

White Orange – Brown

Orange            – White Brown

White Green   – Green

Blue                – White Blue

White Blue      – Blue

Green              – White Green

White Brown  – Orange
Brown             – White Orange       Cross over is used to connect the same devices in the network like Pc to PC, Hub to Hub, Router to Router, Router to Pc.Then the color coding for cross over is

White Orange    - White Green

Orange               - Green
White Green      - White Orange
Blue                   - Blue
White Blue         - White Blue
Green                 - Orange
White Brown     - White Brown
Brown                  - Brown 

      Thats it this are the various types and format of color coding.