Thursday, 27 February 2014

How to Shutdown your Computer using command prompt

It's always been  proud to work in command pompt to show people that he is more Tech'y than others.Most of them din't get a proper chance to work on command prompt.Do you know something?
The top most technical person is always been working on this command prompt to directly communicate with the kernel file.It gives higher priority to work by their own without any restriction.Here we are going to see how to shutdown the pc using command prompt,with simple windows commands.
For this purpose,first you need command prompt.You can get your command prompt with the following location.

goto-->Start->run ->cmd 

Once you get your command prompt,then you need to type the following command to enter into the shutdown prompt. 
c:\>shutdown -i

 After the command the remote dialog box will open, after this it is very simple to complete the task within few minutes.Now you need to click the "Add" button in the right side of the prompt.

Now its time to enter your ip address of your pc.How to get Your IP?
It's very simple,just type the following command in your command prompt.


Now you need to select the ipv4 address and then paste it into your remote dialog prompt.

After this you need to specify the time period to shutdown your pc.Select the reason for shutdown whether its a physical or hardware failure etc.Then Don't forgot to mention your comment that is what more interesting.

After few seconds your system going to shutdown with prompt message that you have been mentioned.Hope you enjoy.

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