Whether your PC performance is too poor?this is the major problem all are facing, because whenever you are storing and deleting your file in your PC,It will not re-clear all the used memory's until manually clear by the user.
Most of them are thinking after formatting the PC's performance will be better than older.But do you know something? there is no need to do such things it is very easy to clear those memories with the help of simple tool Disk Defragmentor.
The major advantage of Disk Defragmentor is boost your system performance by clearing all the unused memory. Disk Defragmentation is the process of consolidating the fragmented data on the volume.Defragmented-volume works more efficiently in the hard disk.
Fragmentation happens to a volume over time as you save, change, or delete files. The changes that you save to a file are often stored in a different place on the volume than the original file. This doesn't change where the file appears in Windows only where the bits of information that make up the file are stored on the actual volume.
When your booting your PC,the processor reads the OS from the hard drive as the primary memory and read all the OS related file.It read the file from the beginning towards the end.Sometimes! it took Over time because the processor read all the uncleared(stored and deleted memory location) memory spaces also so its been waste of time to read all the uncleared spaces, both the file and the volume itself become fragmented, and your computer slows down as it has to look in different places to open a single file.
Windows team itself suggesting to defragment the partition once in a weak to get better performance.You can also set a schedule to defragment your volume .
This tools will arrange the larger files in the beginning and the smaller files followed by the larger files so while reading,the processor can easily identify the files and it allocated in a sequence manner in hard disk.It leads the system to give the better performance because the RAM will not reads the deleted file location .The deleted file has been rearranged in the sequence order.
It's been very simple to defragment your PC for this you need to
goto start->all programs ->accessories ->system tools ->disk defragmentor.
Now you can able to see the new window in your desktop.In the newly prompted window you can see the current status of the volume ,and it also show how many percent it has been defragmented.If it is 0% you can analyse the disk in the bottom.After analyse the disk ,it take some times based on your system.
If you have not defragmented before,then it take 4 to 5 hours to complete the process.You can also configure the schedule, by selecting the button in the top.
After selecting! the new window will open and it contain the following options such as frequency,day,time,disk.Once you complete filling the details then its time to click Ok.Now your system can automatically defragment your disk based on your configuration.Hope its been usefully!
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