Tuesday, 15 July 2014

Android Virtual Device Manager

Well in this time we are going to see the android virtual device manager,this is the key for android eclipse IDE you no need an original android device to run the application.Then how is it possible in Eclipse IDE ,it is possible to creates an android virtual device inside the eclipse IDE to do that follow the instruction .
Open the eclipse IDE and goto the window menu,then select the android Virtual Device Manger.Once you have been selected the new window will appear,In that window you can see two tabs one is android virtual device and Device Definition.
Android virtual device is used to create the new device by your device and Device Definition is used to clone the android device and you can pick the device by your wish.
Android virtual device contain the new button it contain the list of android textbox after filling all the boxes click the OK button then it will appear on your PC.Once you create the device you can able to edit,delete and you can see the details.
If you press start then the virtual device will run in your PC.In the device definition simply select the android device and select create AVD.Once you selected the device it automatically appears on android virtual device,if it is not displayed then press the refresh button.
That it you create the android virtual device in your Eclipse IDE.

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